Welcome! I’m Kayla Crum.

A young woman with brown hair smiles

I created My Sister’s Cancer as the resource I wish I had when my sister had cancer (twice) in my early twenties - first while I was in college, and later during my work as a nurse. Adulthood may mean we no longer share bathrooms and shoes and 15-year-old cars, but siblings often remain the people who know us best and keep a firm hold on our hearts as we go our separate ways.

This online community is for all of the adult siblings of cancer patients out there who feel lonely and unsupported, but stifle that feeling because asking for support for yourself feels like a pity party compared to your sibling. But let me reframe the pity party - it’s a pity so many siblings of cancer patients carry such a heavy burden, so let’s make it a party and carry it together.

You’ll find I’ve divided the cancer journey into four distinct seasons based on my sister’s experience, and I hope they resonate with you in one way or another. This collection of stories, sass, and support exists to bring together the people who get it - because our siblings have cancer, too. As one of the hospital staff told us when my sister was diagnosed, this is a family you never wanted to be a part of, but it is a family. Welcome to the family, sister.

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